Services for tenants of GEVERKA

  • You are already our tenant and have questions about your current tenancy?
  • You have not yet received your operating and/or heating billing for the past billing period?
  • You want to claim a defect or report a damage?

Please use the following contact form for tenants, so GEVERKA can answer your request as soon as possible. Here you can easily select all details and enter your questions about your situation. Your contact person within GEVERKA will get in touch with you soon.
If we can not help you, we will forward your request directly to the appropriate contact person.

For general questions, please first refer to our FAQ list for tenants.

In addition, we have set up a download area for our tenants, where you can download a blank WBS application or explanations on the operating and heating bills for free: Here you’ll find the download area for GEVERKA tenants.

You have a specific request or further questions about your tenancy, then you can directly contact our staff at GEVERKA. You will find all contact details in your documents or e-mails from us.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions of our tenants

FAQ: Rent and operating costs

What is my rental amount? What are my operating costs and heating costs? What amount do I have to transfer?
Your apartment rental includes the cost items listed on page 2 of your rental agreement (tenancy contract), plus or minus the previous changes in the current tenancy. If you have further questions about your current rental amount, please ask us via contact form.
Can I just round up or down my rent?
No. Please always transfer exactly the agreed rental amount. You will find the exact rental amount in your documents (rental agreement, latest letters). Giving us a SEPA direct debit mandate simplifies your monthly rental payments. Please ask your GEVERKA contact for SEPA or send us a request via contact form.
How do I apply for a SEPA direct debit mandate?
For your SEPA direct debit mandate, please use the contact form. There you can send us your bank details, from which bank account your rental amount shall be deducted in the future. We will then send you the SEPA mandate ready for signing via letter.
Why do I have to pay higher operating costs / heating costs than last year (accounting period)?
You can check up changes in your heating and operating costs by comparing the current cost statement to your cost statements of the past. Please note that especially your heating cost depend on your own individual heating consumption.
Changes in operating costs can be caused (for example) by cost changes by external contractors (house cleaning company), changed consumption pattern of your co-tenants or changed consumption of all other residents.
If you have further questions, please contact your contact person at GEVERKA.
Do I have to pay the operating and heating bills separately?
No! The separation of all cost items is for a better overview and necessary for documentation. The result of both accounts is summarized in your utility billing. There you can see whether you have a positive balance or need to transfer an additional payment.
I have received a high invoice for additional payment regarding my operating and heating bills. I can not pay this bill at once. What can I do?
In case the open invoice amount will cause you difficulties in payment, please notify your property manager as soon as possible. Please contact us immediately if you have financial difficulties. In some cases we can help you with an individual solution.
Why did my prepayments for service charges / utility costs change?
Your monthly payments in advance do not cover annual sum of costs. In your favor, we would like to prevent high sums of additional payments in the future.
Why were my advance payments not deducted in the heating bill?
The heating billing of the heating metering service is only an additional document. Your prepayments and heating costs are included in your utility billing (usually on page 2).
My rental amount is financed by the Jobcenter / Employment Agency. Do I have to present my utility bill there, if it shows a credit balance?
Yes, please submit a copy as soon as possible to the responsible social security authority (e.g. Jobcenter, Wohngeldamt etc.). Please note that you are required to pay any additional payments. The competent authority may, after examining your documents, accept payment of the outstanding amount (extra payment of operating costs etc.). For further information please contact your social authorities.
My neighbors have a positive balance in their utility bill. I have a negative balance and need have to pay extra, even though our apartments are the same size. Why?
This may for example be due to the amount of your advance payments. Or you have a higher consumption rate for consumption-based costs. In some cases, certain costs may not be shared among all apartments. Please ask your GEVERKA contact person.
How long is a regular heating season?
The regular heating season lasts from the first of October of the current calendar year to the 31st of March of the following calendar year.
May I ask questions about the operating or heating bills or may I have a look at invoices without a prior appointment for the “tenant day” on Wednesday?
No. Please make an appointment in advance by phone (Mrs. Pallwitz). Maybe some questions can already be answered on the phone. Explicit questions about heating billing sometimes may need to be forwarded to the billing service. In such cases, your personal appointment would not be successful.
When can I expect the repayment of my rent deposit?
If there are no outstanding bills from the tenancy, you will receive your rent deposit immediately.
Why was not my full rent deposit paid back?
In most cases, a part of the rent deposit will be retained for the upcoming operating and service charge for the running year in which you move out.

FAQ: Other matters

How do I prevent blockages in sink pipes or sewage pipes? What can I do if there is a blockage?
If your sewage pipe is clogged or the water drains off very slowly, please contact your caretaker or contact your property manager. If tenants improperly use pipe cleaners it can cause damage to the piping (or culpably caused the original plugging), you may be required to pay the costs.

Please observe the following safety rules to prevent pipe blockings:
* Please pour NO oil, grease or any similar liquids (slow or viscous materials) into sewer.

* Please use hair filters (sieves) in the shower drain, bathtub and sink.

* Please dispose food remains basically in the dustbin (domestic waste).

I have submitted a claim (damage report) and have not received any reply so far?
Please stay accessible by phone. Your request will be processed as soon as possible.
Depending on the type and degree of the reported damage, we will arrange an appointment with you for a joint inspection. In some cases, we directly hire a craft company to check and eliminate the damage.
How do I prevent the formation of mold in my home?
There are many reasons and differentiated causes of mold growth in living spaces. If you have mold, please contact us immediately! Together, we will identify these causes and launch appropriate countermeasures.
What does "cost limit for small repairs" mean and how high is this?
The „cost limit for small repairs“ means that all costs for maintenance and repairs, including this limit, are to be paid by the tenants and not by the owner. How high this cost limit is in your case can be found in your lease contract.
Can I get more keys for my apartment?
Front door keys can be basically ordered only by the property management company, the cost will pay the apartment tenants. The reordering of keys generally depends on whether you need an additional key that is part of the locking system. If you have an apartment door key that is independent of the locking system, you can copy it yourself.
My neighbours in the house violate the house rules, especially by massive disturbance of peace (noize). What should I do?
All neighbours are obliged to comply with the house rules. If the house rules are violated, tenants can be reminded by your property management. Sometimes, however, a friendly conversation among neighbours helps much more. This should be always the first step for domestic peace.
May I place shoe cabinets, shoes, plants or other things in the hallway or staircase?
No. All hallways and staircases are escape routes for emergencies, which must be freely accessible (e.g. in case of fire). Blocking these escape routes is prohibited without exception!
In our house there was a burglary. Who is my contact person?
The first step is always calling the Police by dialing 110! Housebreaking / burglary is a criminal offense. Directly afterwards, please also inform us about the incident.
How can I get a proof of rent payment certificate?
You will receive a proof of rent payment certificate from your responsible property manager via our contact form. Please note that the verification and issuance of the document may take some time.
I would like to make structural modifications in my apartment. What is allowed?
Structural modifications in leased apartments are subject to approval by the administration (and property owner), including: demolition of walls, installation of walls, changes of the floor plan or replacement of doors. If you want to change something like this in your apartment, please contact us. Call us or use the contact form.
May I sublet my flat during a shorter or longer absence?
Subletting your apartment requires the prior written consent of the owner (or administration) without an obligation to agree. Please send your request via contact form.
How long is my notice period / cancellation period for the tenancy?
Tenants with an indefinite lease contract generally have a statutory notice period of three months. The termination of a rental agreement must be in writing. The termination letter must be received by the landlord NOT LATER than the third business day of the month. Thus, it is customary to send the apartment notice (termination letter) within the end of the previous month.
May I introduce a new tenant to the property management and then move out of my apartment before the end of notice period?
You are welcome to introduce to us several potential prospective tenants for your apartment. Please note, however, that there is no obligation for us to rent to one of these potential tenants. Feel free to tell us your suggestions for new tenants via contact form.
I'm with several people together in a shared apartment or one of the main tenants and would like to move out now. Is that possible?
Yes, in principle, individuals can leave tenancy agreements. Often, the current contract does not have to be terminated. Please contact your property manager as soon as possible via contact form.
An inheritance has occurred and I would like to terminate the apartment at short notice. How is that possible?
In this case you have an extraordinary termination right (§ 564 BGB) that you can exercise within one month after your loss. As your property management company, we can advise and help you in this difficult situation. Please call your property manager or send your inquiery via contact form.

Downloads and helpful links

  • You would like to apply for a Residential Permit (Wohnberechtigungsschein, WBS)?
  • You would like to apply for a Rent Subsidy or Housing Allowance (Wohngeld)?
  • You have questions about your current heating and operating bills?

In this download area you will find helpful information, forms and documents for free download. If you have further questions, please use the contact form below.

Contact form for your damage report or any other inquiries as a tenant

Durch das folgende Formular können sie mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen um z.B. eine Schadensmeldung zu schreiben.
Das Formular hilft uns, ihr Anliegen auf kürzestem Wege zum richtige Sachbearbeiter zu schicken.


Persönliche Daten



Die ersten 5 Ziffern der Mieternummer
Die zweiten 7 Ziffern der Mieternummer
So sieht zum Beispiel ihre Mieternummer aus: 12345.1234567



In den folgenden Feldern können sie den Schaden beschreiben. Bei mehreren Schäden drücken sie bitte nach Eingabe des ersten Schadens auf den Knopf "weiteren Schaden melden" am Ende, um weitere Schäden hinzuzufügen.

Maximale Dateigröße: 5MB

weitere Angaben zum Schaden

Kontoverbindung Mitteilen

Wir benötigen Ihre Kontonummer, um Ihnen zum Beispiel ein etwaiges Guthaben bei der Nebenkostenabrechnung auszahlen zu können.

Wichtig wenn eine staatliche Stelle die Miete bezahlt

Wenn Ihre Miete von einer staatlichen Stelle (Jobcenter, Sozialamt etc.) übernommen wird, reichen Sie Ihre Nebenkostenabrechnung bitte bei Ihrem zuständigen Sachbearbeiter ein. Ein etwaiges Guthaben dürfen wir in diesen Fällen nicht an die Mietpartei auszahlen.

Terminvereinbarung mit der Hausverwaltung

Unsere Sprechzeiten in den Räumen der GEVERKA

13:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Einlass bis 17:00 Uhr
Weitere Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung

Unsere Sprechzeiten am Telefon

Montag - Mittwoch / Freitag
10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Tel: +49 30 31 99 00


Betriebskostenabrechnungskopie anfordern

Bitte stellen sie sicher, dass sie ihren Namen und Mieternummer korrekt eingegeben haben. Wir schicken ihnen die Betriebskostenabrechnung per Email zu.

SEPA Lastschriftverfahren einrichten

Um für sie die Abbuchung über das SEPA Lastschriftverfahren einrichten zu können, benötigen wir Bankdaten


Zustimmung zur Datenspeicherung und Verarbeitung *

„Hiermit stimme ich der zweckmäßigen Speicherung und Nutzung meiner Daten zur Erfüllung meiner Anfrage durch die GEVERKA Gesellschaft für Immobilien- und Grundstücksverwaltung mbH, Hardenbergstr. 12, 10623 Berlin, sowie deren verbundene Unternehmen zu. Eine Weitergabe an Dritte findet nur zur Erfüllung meiner Anfrage oder der Erfüllung eines vergangenen, bestehenden oder zukünftigen Vertragsverhältnisses statt. Im Übrigen werden Daten weder zu Werbe- noch sonstigen Zwecken erhoben und gespeichert. Hinweis: Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit für die Zukunft per E-Mail an widerrufen. Detaillierte Informationen zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung und den Hinweisen zur Datenverarbeitung in der Fußzeile.“